
Macedon Ranges Shire Council


With yesterday and today being the 12-month anniversary of the June storm that devastated much of the Macedon Ranges Shire (and State) we wanted to take this time to thank you for your hard work, professionalism and commitment to ensuring the Shire was safe for our residents.

We were lucky to be able to call on our contractors to get to work right away on clearing roads and getting access to residents who were stuck in their homes with no power for a number of days. The conditions were unbelievable, and if we hadn’t experienced it ourselves, still hard to fathom were real at times.

Thank you to you, your crews, your sub-contractors, and all of your families for the hours committed to this work. The long days and competing priorities were a challenge recognised by everyone involved. 

Various initiatives that have arisen from the storm clean-up have provided communities across the state with over $27,000,000 of products for no charge. These products have been created from tree debris from within MRSC, and now, from across the state. These products include free firewood, fence posts for those who lost fences in the storm, mulch, sawdust, root balls to fishery locations and various other products supporting public spaces such as Werribee Zoo and parks across the state.   These initiatives all started with our contractors – you all – recovering debris safely from our roads.

We hope we don’t ever have to work under those conditions again – but we’re glad we had all of you to support our community when they needed it most.

Please pass on our thanks to your staff and sub-contractors for all of the work committed to this effort.

Michael O’Dwyer and Leah Rushford 

on behalf of 

Macedon Ranges shire council 

Mitchell Shire Council


Good Morning,

Peter Smith phoned to say thank-you for the excellent work that was completed by Tree Specs relating to report CSC21/18328 – Peter was extremely happy with their work and professionalism and the speediness in which the request was dealt with.

Thank-you and Kind Regards,
